Board of Directors



Brooke Ryan CSR, RPR graduated from Humphrey’s College in 1996. She quickly became a Pro Tem for the Sacramento Superior Court which led to an officialship in 2001. In 2003 Brooke was elected CCRA Legislative Council Representative for the Sacramento Officials Court Reporters Association which began her affinity for CCRA. It was around this same time she became a board member for her union, United Public Employees. She ultimately became Chair of the union board and held that position for numerous years. At the same time she was nominated for a Board of Directors position with CCRA. She worked her way up through the positions culminating in her first presidency in 2016. She was re-elected  as president in 2017. 

In 2020, Brooke left her officialship to become a freelancer. Her goal was to come back to CCRA this time as a freelancer. 

Her passion lies in legislation. She has helped to advocate for multiple bills on behalf of CCRA over the years. Brooke has two boys, Oliver and Truman, and together they love to travel the world.

Email Brooke



Michelle Caldwell, CSR, CRR, has been a reporter for 33 years. She graduated from the California School of Court Reporting in 1990 and began her career freelancing, eventually laying down roots as an Official for Santa Clara County. There, Michelle worked with SEIU and the court to create a reporter-specific bargaining unit, where she currently serves as Union Steward, Labor Relations Committee Member and negotiates labor contracts. Michelle led the AB 253 Remote Reporting Pilot Project, navigating from initial conception to Governor Newsom’s signature in October of 2019 and implementation in 2020. She has worked with unions and legislators on numerous Assembly and Senate bills. Michelle served on the Board of Directors for the California Official Court Reporters Association until 2019. In her free time, Michelle enjoys travel and is a freelance writer. She worked as a columnist for Gannett News, wrote news and politics for the Monterey County Weekly and has contributed to local and national publications, including the Daily Journal and California Lawyer. Having recently completed her coursework with UCLA Writers’ Program, she has turned her attention to novel-writing. Michelle and her husband of 33 years have two adult sons and live along the Northern California coast.

Email Michelle


Vice President

Russell Walker CSR, RPR, has been a reporter for 18 years.  He graduated from court reporting school in San Diego in 2004, then began working in the freelance field in 2005.  In early 2006, he discovered how well he fit into the San Diego Superior Court environment, devoted his time to working as a per diem until coming on as an official in 2006.  In 2012, as one of the reporters laid off when civil and family law positions were eliminated, Russell was one of the founding members of San Diego’s first official pro tem reporting firm, SDCRC.  He worked with that group until accepting reinstatement as an official in early 2014.  Russell served nine terms as president of the San Diego Superior Court Reporters Association and continues to serve as a union steward.  Russell enjoys serving his church, Horizon South Bay, and spending time with his wife and two sons.

Email Russell



Debra Farfan, CSR, RDR, RMR, CRR, CRC, CCRR, graduated from California School of Court Reporting in 1997.  Her first job was state official, then two years later a federal official.  While working as an official, she moonlighted by captioning news and sporting events, and in 2006 began exclusively working in sports media, traveling to sporting events across the globe to create instant transcripts of players and coaches at their post-game interviews.   In 2015 her life changed while working at the NCAA March Madness conference in Los Angeles when a “hot mic” moment with one of the players went viral. The publicity was a bit overwhelming, but she took it all in stride and shined a positive light on our profession.  In the end, that one small moment led to something much bigger, and that is her involvement with the Board and CCRA.  In 2016 she led the task force that created the CCG exam to set a baseline for CART captioners in our state, one of the first such certificates of its kind at the time, and Debra is very proud of her committee for accomplishing that goal. 

Currently, she is a boutique agency owner and freelancer who specializes in high-profile and complex realtime trials and depositions, and occasionally still sneaks in covering a sporting event or two.  “In my 26 years as a reporter, I can say I’ve had my hands in the proverbial ‘cookie jar’ of all this profession has to offer. I even competed in Las Vegas at the NCRA Realtime Competition and took first place in the literary and second place overall. That was a special moment for me.”  Throughout her career she has worked on building her certifications, and today she holds not only her California CSR, but a Nevada CCR, and she is a Registered Diplomate Reporter, Registered Merit Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter, Certified Realtime Captioner, Certified CART Generalist, and California Certified Realtime Reporter.  She looks forward to serving on the board and supporting her fellow reporters and continuing this great profession for years to come. 

Email Debra


Immediate Past President

Tamara Houston, CSR, RPR, CCRR has been a California CSR for 36 years.  She started her career freelancing both in criminal and civil court.  Emerald Deposition Reporters was formed in 1995 by Tamara while she continued improving her skills and professional representation as a CSR within the industry.  After obtaining her CCRR in 2010, Tamara joined Caption Colorado to do national broadcasting from home in her "spare" time while working as a full-time reporter.  However, court reporting was her passion and she dedicated herself to that realm.  Tamara's daughter Kaitlyn passed the CSR in November of 2016 and joined her at Emerald Deposition Reporters. Her family life focuses on exotic animal rescue and rehabilitation, as well as attending the rodeos of her youngest daughter Annie, a graduate of UC Davis and accomplished breakaway roper.  Tamara has been on the CCRA Board serving as a district director for CCRA for nearly four years and is excited to transition into the role as president currently.  Tamara is passionate about being involved, learning, listening to new ideas, and sharing the knowledge and experience that has been gained over the years to help the evolution and empowerment of current and future court reporters.  Complacency is not an option - let's get involved and work together to make this great profession even better!

Email Tamara

 Karly Powers

District A

Karly Powers CSR, B.S. Court Reporting, has been a licensed CSR since 2014.  She graduated from Argonaut Court Reporting School in 2013.  She started her career in the freelance sector covering depositions, as well as working as a Pro Tem in Superior Court.  She currently works for the California Public Utilities Commission as a State Hearing Reporter and has been there for 6.5 years.  Karly also graduated from Humphreys University in 2018 earning her Bachelor of Science in Court Reporting.  She has served on the CCRA Board of Directors previously, as well, and is very passionate about the court reporting industry as a whole.  She has always loved working with students and networking with industry professionals across all sectors of our industry.  Karly is looking forward to representing the industry well and advocating for every sector of the profession.  She believes that strength is in numbers, and that we make our industry stronger by working together and being there for each other. 

Email Karly


District B

Priscilla Gwaltney I have been court reporting since 2008.  I was freelancing until 2014.  I then became employed as an official with Contra Costa County.  As of January 2022, I have been freelancing and working as a part-time official with Sacramento Superior Court in the Family Law Relations department since September of 2022.  I obtained my RPR in 2019.  I have served as chair of the Support Our Students committee and Mentor Chair since 2020.  I have been serving on the BOD since 2019.

Email Priscilla


District C

Rachael Lundy CSR, RPR I began my working as a CSR in May of 2013.  Now having been in the business for ten years, I have covered almost every type of work under my license that there is to cover. The beginning of my career was wild as I had to compete so hard to find work being that there were so many veteran court reporters available. I found myself waking up at 3:00 a.m. every morning just to cover an Office of Administration hearing in Oakland for the day, only to drive back to the Central Valley to take care of my daughter.  I was a single mom at that time. That work taught me to be tough, to fight for what I wanted, which was simply to be a successful court reporter. Now that I’ve gained that experience, gotten my affairs in order (now married with three kids), I’ve decided to switch my focus to other reporters and give back to our stenography community by serving on the Board. I’m very excited to use my time right now towards members of the CCRA and their needs.”

Email Rachael


District D

Lauren Tilbury, CSR I have been a reporter since 1997. I got my Nevada CSR license first and then attained my California CSR in 1998 and started work immediately in Court. After being a pro tem for two months, the courts merged their muni court and superior court together to just be superior court. In order to continue to be a pro tem reporter, you had to have at least one year of experience. I was immediately out of a job in court. I had to start doing depos, but didn’t really love it.

While going to court reporting school, I had my own business as a manicurist. I loved the job and the life experience I gained from the women who were my clients. I would never take back that part of my life. I believe it made me the woman I am today. But I knew that I was smarter than that and wanted more. One of my clients was a very successful court reporter. She told me that I was exactly what they were looking for. Off I went along with my two best friends to court reporting school.

I started back in court in 1998 and was a pro tem for 6 years before becoming an official. Back then, you had arrived when you became an official. I was an official for 23 years. My main arena was family law. I was in a heavy-transcript courtroom. I have had many celebrities and sports figures in my courtroom. In 2013, OCSC made reporters part-time employees. In 2018, I went to work for LA because it was full time. It was a great experience, but the travel was just too much. I came back to OC right before the pandemic. I missed my friends so much. It felt good to be home.

One of my proudest accomplishments was winning an appeal for all pro tem reporters that turned officials to be able to buy back their time while being pro tems. It was life-changing for a lot of us and I got to retire 7 years early. I am now private and have many private clients. It has been the best thing I’ve ever done, work-wise.

When not in the courtroom, I love to paint. The form is called Mandala dotting. I started a group on FB and now have almost 20,000 followers on my page.
I am also a Gemologist. Jewels are my passion. I have a very kind and supportive husband, an adorable and incredibly successful son, two cats and a tortoise. Life is good.


Email Lauren


District E

Lucy Gonzales CSR, RPR, became a California CSR in 2001.  She worked as a freelance reporter for a short time, reporting depositions and court hearings throughout various counties before starting her journey as a pro tem court reporter with Contra Costa County Superior Court, from 2001 to 2005.  From 2005 to 2006, she worked as an official court reporter for Solano County Superior Court.  In 2006, she made her way back to Contra Costa County Superior Court, as an official court reporter.  While working in Contra Costa County Superior Court, Lucy had assignments in family law, civil, juvenile dependency, juvenile delinquency, probate, and criminal courtrooms.  She has also been assigned to death penalty cases.  In 2019, Lucy obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Court Reporting, from Humphreys University.  She also obtained her RPR certification in 2020, and is currently the Lead Court Reporter for Contra Costa County Superior Court.  She looks forward to serving on the CCRA Board and in helping to make a difference in the court reporting profession.

Email Lucy


District F

Regina DeMoville, CSR, CRC, CCG, has been a Court Reporter/CART Captioner for almost 18 years. She has reported/captioned jobs in all four fields within Court Reporting (CART, Broadcast Captioning, Depos, Court). Regina's passion will always be in the captioning field. She has captioned in many different venues such as sports stadiums,  universities, and churches as well as remote captioning in different countries such as Canada, Australia, and France. She is a founding member and current co-chair of the CART/Broadcast Captioning Committee. She has a passion for mentoring students as well as helping reporters transition into Captioning. In her returning role as a board member, she hopes to bring a new awareness of what Captioning is and why it's so important for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing community. 

Email Regina


Director, District G

Lidia Perez is a CART and broadcast captioner who attended Downey Adult School of Court Reporting in Downey, California.   Upon graduating from Downey Adult School, Lidia found her love and passion to be a  (Communication Access Real-time Translation) CART captioner for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community to provide equal access to everyone.   Lidia provides CART for students/staff/faculty throughout all levels of the educational school system from elementary to undergraduate and doctorate programs. She also provides CART captioning to projected audiences in live events, conferences, and seminars. She loves to mentor anyone who wants to venture into the world of CART and broadcast captioning who share the same love and passion she has within this great career. She is a strong advocate for equal access for all. 

Email Lidia

Executive Director

Gloria Peterson

Email Gloria