CCRA Board of Directors and Officers Slate of Nominees


After extensive interviews with many very qualified candidates, CCRA's Nominating Committee, is pleased to announce the slate of nominees recommended for officer and board of director positions for 2011-2012.

President - Early Langley
VP Officials/President Elect - Kristi Garcia
VP Freelance - Kim Thayer
Secretary/Treasurer - Therese Claussen
District A - Pam Katros
District B - Erin Robinson
District C - OPEN (Accepting nominations at the CCRA Annual Business Meeting, Sunday, October 9, 2011)
District D - Christine Taylor
District E - Brooke Ryan
District F - Linda Hart

Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Dasher, Chairperson, Carlos Martinez, Lesia Mervin, Jim Partridge, Doreen Perkins, Cheryl Redlich, and Diane Saunar